Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Your Birthdate: March 15 |
 For you, love is a natural progression from friendship. You are almost always friends first. In love, you are loyal, steady, and honest. You are not a cheater or even much of a flirt. You are likely to stay friends with your ex... and open to rekindling something in the future.
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 4
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 6
You are most compatible with people born on the 6th, 15th, and 24th of the month. |
Rather true =)
I went to watch The Protege ydae at Cathay Cineplex! The show is nice but i felt it was too short, and the ending was too abrupt.. Hehes. Initially there was a system cock-up, because dear's friends went to book the seats in advance, and they've unknowingly booked the couple seats. According to the manager, the couple seat rows are not supposed to be reflected in the booking system. Due to the delay in finding other seats for us, we were given 2 sets of Nachos and ice lemon tea free, and it was delivered to us while we were in the movie! =p Hehe..
It was nice being served like tt. =p and i'm sure those passengers in the plane should felt blessed as well~!! But some were too unappreciative, and thought that they were the kings and queens. Some can even bargain to have their meal changed even after they've removed the foils... *faintz*
Sighz, i'm still undecisive on how to celebrate my birthday. But it was really a sad case that i have to work on the actual day.. and its 608! which will take up my whole day.. Sad-ed.. The management just sucked.
Friday, February 23, 2007
I'm down with flu, with symptoms of runny nose, sore throat, cough, and chills. Even my mum says my voice changed. But yet i'm in a dilemma whether i to report sick. Reason being???
Requested for it and yet is not given. I simply agree with one of the seniors who said "If only the management is more flexible in terms of scheduling requests and change of flights, the MC rate would not be as high"
Yeah, i agree it sucked! Just watched the movie "Just Follow Law" yesterday, and it clearly demonstrates what management are nowadays. Everything needs black and white, everything needs 3 working days to process, no wonder people in there are so dumb and inflexible.
On the other hand, i dun feel strong enuf to work. Because i went work today and it sucked even though its a short flight. I'm having sore throat and was feeling sick, and she says i'm speaking too soft and my face is so black. I dun care if i were to be writed in. Who cares abt that
dumbass with no humanity?
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I can open this page again~ Hehe.
Anywae CNY is nice but its too short!!!! Sighh.. I was so looking forward to it the whole mth, and the 2 days juz flashed pass me like that.. =( I simply love to gamble with my relatives and cousins and how i wish time can juz stop moving and let me enjoy to the fullest til i'm ready to work. But... no choice. Had to work on CNY day 1 and yesterday i was called up last minute to replace my own batch girl~!!! I simply HATES to be called up last minute. And crew scheduling is not very polite either, insisted that i can make it on time to the briefing~ Who is he to judge whether i can make it or not. I insisted not because i was pissed off, in the end he then offer to let me report to aircraft straight.
Ydae is a very eventful day, and met all kinds of nasty passengers. I duno what got into these people, a little bit they wana complain. This type of ppl simply gives me the impression that their life is sucked. They are not even satisfied with the simplest thing, how to enjoy their life?
Another case was that this lady was sitting very far away from her boyfriend. And the 2 men seated beside her refuse to change their seats although they are travelling alone! What selfish freaks. In the midst of the flight this lady was having a medical problem, and we had to gave her the oxygen and page for doctor upon arrival. Just then one of the guy beside her then offer his seat to her bf. These ppl ought to feel guilty man!
Sighh.. What have humans become today? Or is it only Singaporeans? Mayb they are damn filthy rich that they thought they have the money power to conquere that they can jolly well bring those cash to their coffins with them.
Sian sian sian..
I wan to gamble~
Sunday, February 18, 2007
The only thing nice that happen on today's flight is a bird's eye view of fireworks as we are approaching Kuching. Awesome~ =) However, i rather not work today. These few days i'm just too off formed. sighz..
Happy Chinese New Year to all~!
Hopefully tml i'll have the chance to gamble whole day long!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
FINALLY i can log in to this NEW blogger. It was such a headache to log in this thing using the Google account, it simply lags my whole com. Well, thanks for the upgrade. -.-! It seems that i won't be blogging as often cos most of the time my log in fails.. =/
Nothing much to update except adding 2 more friend lists to my template.
My gum is getting too painful.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Yay! 2nd compliment letter received from pax, and he address me as "Darling" -.-! But he's an ang moh of cos~ haha. =)
Finally tml's off and i'm going down to unisim with jan! Hope to settle all my uni application stuff and not procrastinating further because i've been slacking too much~!
Sighh.. my lips start to crack (again!) after it juz healed not long ago. My legs are full of bruises, my feet are aching from ydae's 4-sector flight, my face is breaking out, and my wisdom tooth hurts AGAIN!
But its okay because i count my blessings. =) I met a unique lady on board today. Before that she has difficulty walking and is in pain because her knees are swollen due to long hours of flying. We couldn't really give her anything except a pillow to elevate her legs and she declined to have painkillers. So she was sitting there and suddenly she teared. One of my senior tot she's in pain. But after that her husband said that they juz went to visit an orphanage in Penom Penh, and the lady couldn't take the sight of it... =(
So we have to count our blessings.
At least...
We have a home and are not abandoned... =)
Thursday, February 08, 2007
I felt i still prefer a skin with no navigations. =)
Sigh, i felt that i've been missing out alot in life. Perhaps the routine after work everyday is to go home and slack. Hmm.. still thinking what i'm gonna do for my birthday. Btw, i got an off day on the 11th of march which is Sat! But my mum said i ought to use that day for my family celebration. Hmm.. Should i celebrate all at one go? So far schedule is out til 11th, so i duno abt the rest from 12th-15th.
I got my allowance breakdown yesterday! Although i have a 6-day block leave last mth, the amount is sweet enuf for me to be happy~! =)
Got called up for an aftnoon flight to Christmas Island later. I hope i won't get called up tml because i wana make a trip down to unisim. Sighh.. But on a lighter note, i've been more motivated to work just for the sake of money~ Because every call-up last mth was either a long flight or 3-sector flight, that makes me earn quite alot. Well well.. somehow there's no life in work except for earning money.
I need a life man!
Monday, February 05, 2007
Can these people stop reporting sick at the last minute?!!
This is the 2nd time i'm called up to report urgently for a
MORNING flight in the MORNING.This time is 1.5hrs to reporting. Can't they just activate ppl who live nearer?! Even if i took a cab down, all the roads are jammed at tt time. If it weren't for the desperation of the person who called me, i'm won't accept.
Haiz, tired now.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Girlies Day Out!
I've been awake since 345am til now. My MP is critically low. However, today is a very fruitful day because we throw our guys aside and enjoy the girly companion! Hees.. After a morning PLM flight, i went to meet colleen and fiona at Far East. Never understimate a girl's ability to shop because i realized we have been stuck at far east plaza from the time we meet, til we part. And i felt that we have not done enuf shopping yet! Even though this is my 3rd time there in 2 weeks.
It was definitely and enjoyable and fruitful outing! I bought 2 dresses that cost me a total of $110. Was feeling really guilty but i just feel like splurging once in a blue moon.. =p
I just weigh myself and realize my weight has maintainedat the desired level! however, i just find alot of excess fat on my tummy. Sigh.. I really need to slim down.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Juz went to check my schedule and i'm notified that my overnight TRV flight is cancelled! Argh.. so angry! I like overnight flight... why cancel? and leave my 2 days of standby!!!!!! *$@#$*@#$%!!! Surely kana call up. But i dun mind having called up becos my hours are so pathetic for feb, but please dun call me at the last min! -.-! Sianzz.. Still no flight with jan til 12 march.
Today is not a fruitful shopping day. Only managed to bought 1 tube. Sighh..
Drove my dad's car today and it pisses me off. I realize many drivers like to cut lane abruptly, and i almost used the horn! I'm such a friendly driver that i NEVER want to horn at others becos i myself dun like to be horned. But these ppl are juz too sickening~ Kns.
Ahh.. moody now. Sianz.
1 more birthday wishlist:
Gucci wallet or handbag. u choose. =)
Now its my turn to left my make-up pouch and announcement text in the aircraft! And its on the galley top, not in the Misc compartment. Well, there goes... *poof*
Sigh i'm really getting fatter and am bothered by it. So i'm very moody recently. *lolz* But glad that i still managed to buy one set of CNY clothes (finally!) at far east, and surprisingly my big butt can squeeze in an S-size campri. The cutting is way too big lah. hahaz. However, this whole set of clothing looks blackish, wondering if i shld get some bright accessories.
Going shopping soon with my parents at Bugis Village. Yup, my mom is going to walk around Bugis Village and am really wondering what is she going to buy. haha. =p Nvm i can get my accessories from there. =D
I'm happy that i got my advanced V-day pressie le! A cuddly bearbear which my dear made and customized. hees. There's even a birth cert attached to it. He can even change clothes wor! =D My new bearbear junior, and he's mine. =p